Thursday, October 8, 2009



There are people that with there appearance have many chances in the world this has taught me that I cannot have also have time and help with whatever they need. This is because I have help but not help, because I am different and have problems. I would like to have a better life and also have friends. I have friends that are family and when I did have friends it was fun but when they found out what I had they would not be my friend because they thought it was contagious. Then I was sad a lot. But what I found out was family and being with my parents is good. I then found out that just being alone and only dedicating me to school was better. This was because I learn and have fun and be with my parents. Then when I see my parents happy and when we go out wee have fun just the three of us.
The people that protect others are good because I think that they are good people, because they help me a lot and are always there when I get sick. Also, people need to know that the help they get is good in many ways because if it weren’t for the teachers I would not be able to be where I am now. These learning strategies that I learn are good. This is because when I have to learn I like to go to school. I get stronger in mind and more.

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