Thursday, October 8, 2009



Many people have problems with how they look or even how they are but I learned that having an intelligent mind is good. Because some people see others for how they are and not have a good friends. Because people who have friends, but do not know who they really are, can have bad experiences. This is because at first they can be ok but in the end they can get into problems. This is because I know people that I see on TV. Who gets in problems and get in a bad form of not being ok. Then having friends who like to learn and help is good because people who do not have good manners are bad. Also, when I see people who do not learn, I would like to encourage them to learn. I would like that people can be good in many ways. Also, people even get jealous, and it’s bad. When having a friend who cares about one’s own family, is a good thing.
Then also need to understand that a new friend cannot be with you all the time because they need to work and study. Then also need to help a friend if he needs help to make him know that he can become a better person. Then know that many people are different and have a good humor. Having friends that you can communicate and trust can help the friendship grow. So getting a friend is like having a new family member.



The people have said that learning and having time to read and have more time to learn is better. This is because learning can help people because many people have problems learning. Also, people need to dedicate more time to their learning if they want to become someone. This is because when I was a child my parents would by me books and a lot more things, like taking me different places to learn all different things. When I was little I loved to do sports also I even went to take ice skating lessons because I wanted to become an ice skater but I got sick and was sent to the hospital. This was when my dream of becoming an ice skater ended, but I wanted to at least see it on T.V. Then I said to myself that I should work hard and concentrate more on school, I did that for a while but then I got sick again and I was sad.
The thing that I will never forget is what my grandfather told me; it was to never give up. The words that he told me were, first school, then, have fun. This was because if a person finishes a career or becomes someone professional they can have success. Also have a good life and a good job and my mother and father have a career and even my uncles have careers, and my cousins are going to have careers, and also if I have a career it would make me very happy.



There are people that with there appearance have many chances in the world this has taught me that I cannot have also have time and help with whatever they need. This is because I have help but not help, because I am different and have problems. I would like to have a better life and also have friends. I have friends that are family and when I did have friends it was fun but when they found out what I had they would not be my friend because they thought it was contagious. Then I was sad a lot. But what I found out was family and being with my parents is good. I then found out that just being alone and only dedicating me to school was better. This was because I learn and have fun and be with my parents. Then when I see my parents happy and when we go out wee have fun just the three of us.
The people that protect others are good because I think that they are good people, because they help me a lot and are always there when I get sick. Also, people need to know that the help they get is good in many ways because if it weren’t for the teachers I would not be able to be where I am now. These learning strategies that I learn are good. This is because when I have to learn I like to go to school. I get stronger in mind and more.

Monday, October 5, 2009


The Word: Apathetic

Part Of Speech: Adjective

The Source Sentence and (Page Number):
I told my father that his “Ship ʹEm Abroad” program didn’t sound too democratic to me, that perhaps included in the freedoms in this country is the freedom to be apathetic. (PG. 118)

Context Clues:
She was totally uninterested in my work.
He’s not uninterested in politics.

Having or showing little or no emotion.
Not interested or concerned; indifferent or unresponsive.
Feeling or showing a lack of interest or concern; indifferent.
Feeling or showing little or no emotion; unresponsive.

Your Original Sentence:
Parents are apathetic to their children when they don’t watch over them or care for them.


The Word: Noxious

Part Of Speech: Adjective

The Source Sentence and (Page Number):
Without taking a break, I scrubbed intensely, trying my best not to inhale the noxious fumes. (PG. 127)

Context Clue:
Alcohol, smoking and drugs are unhealthy for people.

Harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being.
Morally harmful; corrupting; pernicious.
Harmful to living things; injurious to health.
Harmful to the mind or morals; corrupting.

Your Original Sentence:
Drugs are noxious to health.


The Word: Enviable

Part Of Speech: Adjective

The Source Sentence and (Page Number):
Even though their condominium has only a tiny garden, they have managed to cultivate an enviable cornucopia of figs, pomegranates, sweet lemons, and herbs. (PG.98)

Context Clues:
He’s a fortunate person.
He was very fortunate to find a job.
You are fortunate in having no financial worries.
It was fortunate that he came.

Worthy of envy; very desirable.
So desirable as to arouse envy.

Your Original Sentence:
The house is enviable in the entire village.

Monday, September 28, 2009


The Word: Exempt

Part Of Speech: Verb

The Source Sentence and (Page Number):
The Christian and Jewish children at my school were exempt from religious studies, a face that caused much envy among the rest of us. (105)

Context Clues:
The right of free speech.
Many Countries are free of religion speech.

To free from an obligation or liability to which others are subject; release: to exempt a student from an examination.

Your Original Sentence:
Each year more people have been let go from their jobs, and many even return to their native countries each year.


The Word: Mantra

Part Of Speech: Noun

The Source Sentence and (Page Number):
“I should’ve sold everything and brought the money to America a long time ago” became his mantra. (129)

Context Clue:
The people who do shows like singers and actors always have to have great appearance in TV and when they are in public.

A word or formula, as from the Veda, chanted or sung as an incantation or prayer.

Your Original Sentence:
In a church they always have mantra before or after the father has done his payers.


The Word: Gendarmes

Part Of Speech: Noun

The Source Sentence and (Page Number):
The gendarmes started sifting through the clothes and the myriad of gifts I had brought for my host family. (133)

Context Clue:
When a person is hurt or need’s help Police Officers are always helping them and even makes shure that they are safe.

1. A police officer in any of several European countries, esp. a French police officer.
2. A soldier, esp. in France, serving in an army group acting as armed police with authority over civilians.
3. (formerly) a cavalryman in charge of a French cavalry squad

Your Original Sentence:
In France the Gendarmes protect the Society like the President Nicolas Sarkozy that has been there since May 16 2007.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


The Word: Constructive

Part Of Speech: Adjective

The Source Sentence:
And what ARE THOSE SCRIPTS? Some may seem constructive: “You’re so talented!” “You’re a natural ball player!” “I always said you should be a doctor!”(Pg. 153)

Context Clue:
It’s better to think positive than negative.

Serving to improve; helpful.

Your Original Sentence:
The staff at Fullerton College are always constructive and nice to me.


The Word: Vacillate

Part Of Speech: Verb

The Source Sentence:
We vacillate and fluctuate. (Pg. 153)

Context Clue:
There are times when I slow down in my school work and then I get sick.

1. To sway to and fro.
2. To swing indecisively from one course of action or opinion to another; waver.

Your Original Sentence:
When I am in line at the supermarket sometimes I am vacillate because there are many people in line.


The Word: Manifestation

Part Of Speech: Noun

The Source Sentence:
Vision is the best manifestation of creative imagination and the primary motivation of human action. (Pg. 152)

Context Clue:
Your future will emerge from your studies.

An indication of the existence or presence of something.

Your Original Sentence:
Your future is a manifestation of your learning.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


The Word: Ubiquitous

Part Of Speech: Adjective

The Source Sentence and (Page Number): The media is also ubiquitous- present in airports, elevators, classrooms, bars and restaurants, and hospital waiting rooms. (PG-42)

Context Clues:
B. It’s an adjective that is always present in any time.

B. 1. Existing or being everywhere, esp.
2. At the same time; omnipresent: ubiquitous fog; ubiquitous little ants.
3. Being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time; omnipresent: "plodded through the shadows fruitlessly like an ubiquitous spook" (Joseph Heller).

Your Original Sentence:
B. We were offered the ubiquitous hamburger.

Word Dubious

The Word: Dubious
Part Of Speech: Adjective
The Source Sentence and (Page Number):
My brother Farshid, with his schedule full of soccer, wrestling, and karate, was too busy to be recruited for this dubious honor. (PG-10)
Context Clues:
B. The young woman that got pregnant two times and had two children in each pregnancy was uncertain of getting pregnant for the third time and having two more children.
B. 1. Doubtful; marked by or occasioning doubt: a dubious reply.
2. Of doubtful quality or propriety; questionable: a dubious compliment; a dubious transaction.
3. Of uncertain outcome: in dubious battle.
Your Original Sentence:
B. I was dubious about what movie I should see in the theaters.

Word Bucolic

The Word: Bucolic
Part Of Speech: Adjective
The Source Sentence and (Page Number):
Or we’d try to be more bucolic mentioning being south of the beautiful Caspian Sea, “where the famous caviar comes from.”(PG-31)
Context Clues:
B. Is a simple form to live expressing rural, country and rustic life to be.
B. 1 .Of or characteristic of the countryside or its people; rustic.
2. See Synonyms at rural.
3. Of or characteristic of shepherds or flocks; pastoral.
Your Original Sentence:
B. Trying to be more bucolic people have gardens of flowers in their home.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


The Word: Atrocious

Part Of Speech: Adjective

The Source Sentence and (Page Number):
" The items he has picked up on clearance tables range form merely useless, like his portable siren, to atrocious, like birds madw of felt". (44)

Context Clues:
Stuffed birds are gross and dirty, like taxidermy.

!. Extremly evil, or savage, or cruel: An atrocious crime. 2. Exceptionally bad; abominable: astrocious decor. -Atrociously adv. - atrociousness N.

Your Original Sentence:
The service in the restaurant was atrocious.